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UAE weather: Heavy rain predicted for week ahead

Heavy rainfall, thunder and lightning are forecast for parts of the UAE during next week.
The National Centre of Meteorology said stormy weather would hit parts of the country from Wednesday night until late on Thursday.
“[There will be] moderate to heavy rain in scattered areas with lightning and thunder at times, with the possibility of some hail, starting in the west on Wednesday night and extending over most regions of the country on Thursday,” the NCM said, according to state news agency Wam.
The NCM also said winds would reach speeds of 65kph on Thursday.
Rain was also predicted in the UAE throughout the first part of the week. However the worst weather was expected to arrive on Thursday.
Abu Dhabi would see thunder and lightning, along with heavy rain from around 7am on Thursday, May 2, according to weather app Windy.
The highest temperature expected this week in the capital was on Tuesday when it is expected to reach 38°C by early afternoon.
Thunder and lightning were expected to arrive in Dubai later on Thursday from around 10am to 4pm, Windy forecasts.
There were reports of rain already falling in some parts of the UAE on Sunday, with a yellow weather alert issued for areas including Dubai and Fujairah until 8pm this evening.
Heavy rain was reported in parts of Dubai on Sunday including Saih Al Salam, as well as light rain earlier in Al Ain.
News of the expected heavy rain comes as the UAE recovers from stormy weather on April 16, which brought much of the country to a standstill.
